Essay Courses

M:079 196 756 81


IELTS Essay Writing Workshops

We offer bespoke workshops for students that need to prepare for the IELTS exams, especially those who struggle with the IELTS writing tasks. Our tutors are well trained to prepare international students for the most common IELTS types of essays and to teach them the most successful and efficient essay writing techniques. The workshops are interactive and versatile, with maximum involvement from the students. We have integrated modules emphasising the following components:

  • specific vocabulary
  • technique
  • coherence
  • essay structure
  • development of a logical argument

Students are placed in a real-time environment, where apart from teaching they also have to undergo practical workshops, where the main requirement is writing the IELTS essay under a time limit. During the workshops, students will also have the opportunity to work with the tutor and with other students, and to have their work checked and marked. As a format, the IELTS writing workshops can last for one weekend as an intensive course, or in the course of several weeks/ months upon request and based on tutor recommendation. This depends on the student needs and their level of written English. Once the student is assessed in the preliminary process, we will make sure they are allocated in the most suitable group.


Fees: £200 per person per weekend (or two-day workshop during the week), £25 per hour for one–to–one, minimum of 2 hours

The average duration of one day workshop: 5-7 hours

Group size: 2-5 people

Available as one and one as well

Location: North West London, locations announced a week before the date of the workshop

Registration: It needs to be completed at least a week before the start of the course.

For more information contact us directly via email or phone.